Now Customers Can Shop Right From Your FB Fan Page – Apptha launches Facebook Store

Now, your users can have an absolute shopping experience right from your eStore’s Facebook Fan Page. Magento Facebook Store is the recent launch by Apptha which is created exclusively to benefit the Facebook users and ease their shopping experience by allowing them to shop in the Facebook fan page of your eCommerce site itself.The FB store works this way, the users get to view an extra tab on the FB fan page of the eCommerce store and they can easily browse through and shop on that tab without going to another landing page. Only when the users wish to buy by clicking the buy option they will be taken to the eStore directly and the rest of the payment procedure happens from there. What’s more, the most enthralling benefit of this extension is the single admin access by which the controlling of multiple stores can also be handled at ease with effective customization front views Some of the noteworthy features of Magento Facebook Store are as follows;

Also Read: Why Top Brands Adapt to Facebook Store?

  1. No limited categories: The tab in your fan page will have every single category of the product that is present in your eStore. This way the users can be benefited to a great extent and they can shop from the FB page with as much ease as they do from the normal eStore.
  2. Socialize options: This option will allow your users to share their favorite products with their social media friends from the FB store tab where they can see all the social media sharing options with complete integration with Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, etc.
  3. Related Products: Customers of your eStore can search for viewing a product of their choice, they will also be listed with a set of related products that might interest them to a greater level.
  4. Multi domain license: Store owners have options to purchase mutli domain license that will be beneficial if they need this extension for their multiple eStores.

The Facebook store is now available for purchase and view the Live demo here.

                       Live Demo      Buy Now



  1. I hope it’s a helpful product for the eshop owners. Because, they can easily sell their product with the help of this magento facebook store. I got a good experience with this extension.

  2. Nowadays people always engaged with their friends and families via Facebook and they look out for more offers and deals in FB Store. By creating FB Store like this will improve more leads and sales that boost revenue. I’m also having a product company that makes high end deals via FB. Great information shared.

    • Thanks for sharing your information. We are shaping up more posts on how to optimize social media to improve online store’s business. We’ll keep you updated.

  3. It’s a wonderful opportunity for the online stores to famous their products in a short period through facebook.

  4. Now most of the peoples spend their time in facebook, It’s a good idea to promote products through social media. Features you described are really worth. I hope. this will be a beneficial one for online business


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