When searching for an ideal chat API/SDK or In-app integrations, Layer and Mirrorfly have been in the position of comparing. Since September 2013, Layer has been in the market, providing customer care chat with the conventional template using the atlas. The growth of Layer chat application was exponential in early stages, later the growth struck down drastically. Since the announcement of the Layer platform shut down by the head of the product, Shaun VanWeelden through a mail to his customers, the demand over layer alternatives has increased quite a lot.
To give a precise solution to the layer customers, we have come up with a brief explanation and comparison on why MirrorFly is a better alternative to layer when compared to technology, features, and functionalities.
The Problems that Customers Face with Layer Chat Application
- Layer chat API focuses on Enterprise level chat with outdated templates and uncustomizable applications.
- They don’t provide real-time voice and video call SDKs and APIs which is the crucial features when it comes to Enterprise communication.
- Layer’s messaging API does have issues with supporting native languages (Java, Unity, and .net)
- Layer scalability doesn’t support not more than 250 participants in the Web and 25 in a group.
- Every business & enterprise deserve its own business chat model which is quite not achievable with Layer platform.
These were the reliable problems that Layer customers face, i.e., from enterprise to the developer and the reasons why they badly want to migrate out from layer chat platform & checking ideal Layer alternative solutions.
Why Mirrorfly over Layer is always a Cup of Coffee to your Communication Needs?
Before getting into the action, let us walk through the high-profile overview of Mirrorfly.
Mirrorfly is a real-time chat solution for enterprises and developers to build or integrate chat, voice and live video chat into mobile and web applications. With having scalable SDKs & APIs, Mirrorfly lets customers customize the chat functionality with enriched features according to the needs. Moreover, Mirrorfly offers all the necessary functionalities, features and securities that matters a lot in an enterprise chat application.
Basic Aspects that Differentiates Mirrorfly
The World’s Most Scalable Infrastructure:
Mirrorfly scales up to millions of concurrent users at a time. It’s whether 1-to-1, Group or Open channels, Mirrorfly offers all the essential functionalities that scale your messaging experience.
Mirrofly’s messaging API also supports 10,000 users in private and 1,000,00 users in an open channel. Also supports 5 number of users in a video conferencing and a maximum number of users in a voice conference calls.
Reliable Migration Support:
Mirrorfly supports extensive migration from one platform to Mirrorfly whatever the code matters. There are few platforms that provide most of the essential scalability and infrastructure but fails in migrating from Layer to another solution.
Security Has Never Been An Issue:
Being as the 100% alternative to Layer, Mirrorfly stands in the front door of the market to ensure the privacy issues and security standards. Mirrorfly maintains the utmost security standard such as End-to-end encryption, AES encryption, Network firewall and mostly security in cloud infrastructure to protect data from unauthorized access.
Pricing Factor:
Layer chat tool is basically of Subscription based model where it limits your chat app value. Mirrorfly upholds one-time payment method for the entire chat application inclusive of features and number of users. Whatever the number of users, Minutes and data cloud usage, Mirrorfly ensures everything comes under one-time payment.
Point of Action
Although Mirrorfly solution is a younger solution than Layer chat, Mirrorfly stands in the row of the ideal Layer alternative when compared with the technology, scalability, enterprise-grade features, communication possibility (chat, video & voice) and adaptability to any communication needs. From the above insights, it’s clear that Mirrorfly position itself in the peak compared with Layer chat.

Mention some good uses for Layer?
Sorry, I don’t use Layer’s product.
What is your review of Layer Company or Layer Product?
Layer is doing great service in the market. Actually we lost a good competitor in the chat API battlefield.
How long it takes Layer Migration to Mirrorfly?
Our team is seriously working on some tactical improvements in SDKs and APIs to migrate entire Chat from Layer to MirrorFly.
What are the best alternatives for Layer? I mean did you have any other detailed comparison?
Yes, Most of the competitor has some specific functionality only focused on their business. Example, Twilio only focused on Video & Voice call, Sendbird only focused on messaging. Meanwhile, all of the competitors have provided the service in their own platform(SaaS). But Mirrorfly only standout from all other business services. Mirrorfly gives 100% customization with full source code & one-time payment.
Nice information! Thanks for sharing!!